Hey im casual from casual films and casualknight as well as on twitch casknight, i hope you all enjoy my content and if you need to get a hold of me just message my discord: Casual Etānaruzu#1919 or gmail: watson424500@gmail.com, but please don't hesitate to let me know what problems your having, im not much of a developer so please don't expect to much from me, well from me i don't know what to expect from my many many alter ego's, lets get acquainted, im casual the host ego, integrated the quite kind demon, demonic the playful knowledge hungry devil, the infamous twins surge and burst surge is a fighter and burst is a smart fighter, original the first ego, heavenly the old perverted man, vamps the vampire, and last but not least future the knowledgeable personality, and the final ego for right now sense there are to many, he loves to joke around be lazy and above all else he is know by universe 5 but his full name is surprising its sans from universe 5, if you want any of your content to be showed in my profile just ask and i'll test it out first